Counting specific columns in a group with LINQ

I got the following request, which works well, except that it always has ResubCount = 1 and not a value for each UserId.


ResolvedDate: Date

ResubCount = 1

UserId = UserId


Now the query returns (say) ten results from the database.

I want it to be like this:

ResolvedDate: Date

ResubCount = 10

UserId = UserId


This is my request:

var result = (from a in _dataContext.Activities
                          where a.IsResolved && a.ResolvedDate != null
                          group a by new { a.ResolvedDate, a.UserId }
                              into agroup
                              select new
                                             ResolvedDate = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(agroup.Key.ResolvedDate),
                                             ResubCount = agroup.Count(),
                                             UserId = from item in agroup select new { item.UserId }




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1 answer

I believe the temporary part of the DateTime can affect the grouping:

var result = (from a in _dataContext.Activities
              where a.IsResolved && a.ResolvedDate != null
              group a by new 
                  ResolvedDate = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(a.ResolvedDate), 
                  UserId = a.UserId 
              } into agroup
              select new
                  ResolvedDate = agroup.Key.ResolvedDate,
                  ResubCount = agroup.Count(),
                  UserId = agroup.Key.UserId


Edit: I had a.ResolvedDate.Date

, however I don't believe this is supported.


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