Codeigniter error using mysql set variable

Hey guy i have a little problem with codeigniter, i dont know how. If you have any solution regarding this then please answer me

SET @weekVideoCount := (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos v 

SELECT @weekVideoCount;


When I execute this query on Sqlyog, the result is shown successfully, but if I call this query on a model like this,

function getWeeklyUserData(){
        $query= $this->db->query("SET @weekVideoCount := (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos v);
                                SELECT @weekVideoCount;
        return $query->result();


error spawned

enter image description here


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2 answers

Try to separate the request

 $this->db->query("SET @weekVideoCount := (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos v)");
 $query= $this->db->query("SELECT @weekVideoCount");




you should know that $ this-> db-> query () only executes one SQL query like mysql_query.



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