Why does Bluetooth need DBUS communication method in Android?

I am new to Android DBUS, I was recently informed that I need to use DBUS to implement Bluetooth in Android, from the DBUS documentation. I can see that DBUS is being used for a communication environment between two applications.

  • In Android -apps, communication happens by design, if yes, why do we need DBUS for Bluetooth?
  • Is it that DBUS serves as a medium for networking (IP) between two applications, as it is built on top of sockets?

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong, more information on DBUS along with the implementation of Bluetooth in Android is welcome.



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2 answers

For any Android app-level programming, including Bluetooth, you don't need to worry about D-Bus.

You're right about communicating with Android apps using Intents - Intents are fundamental to Android app development.

Under the covers, Android Intents can be implemented using D-Bus, but I figured they are not (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, you only need to worry about this if you are using the Android bluetooth dev system level.



In my understanding, the previous android used bluez to implement bluetooth. and bluez implementation is based on dbus. If you are an application developer, basically you don't need to care about the internal bluetooth implementation, just use the api level and intent



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