Why is this left join being evaluated on a cross join?

Let's say I have table A with columns (Alpha, Beta) that is linked to table B with columns (beta, delta, gamma). I cannot explain why the first request is converted to cross join. (A.Alpha, A.Beta and B.Delta are unique keys. B.Beta looks at A.Beta).

If I make a selection like this:

SELECT A.Alpha, B_Alias.Gamma FROM A 
LEFT JOIN B as B_Alias ON B_Alias.Delta = (
  SELECT TOP 1 B_Alias.Delta FROM B 
  WHERE B.Beta = B_Alias.Beta
  ORDER BY B.Gamma desc)
where A.Alpha = 1


The result is many rows, A.Alpha is always equal to one selected row and B_Alias.Gamma has every gamma. If I choose A.Alpha = 1

, it is a full cross connection. The attempted author of the query was to get the last column B (if it exists) associated with A. I fixed it to work using the following. I'm just wondering if someone can explain why it works like this.

-- This is the correct query
SELECT A.Alpha, B_Alias.Gamma FROM A 
-- Actually join the A and B tables
LEFT JOIN B on B.Beta = A.Beta and B.Delta = (
  -- Only get the Most Recent B for any given A
  WHERE B.Beta = A.Beta
  ORDER BY B.Gamma desc)
where A.Alpha = 1



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1 answer

The top query does not have a clause in the clause ON

that links A

to B

. What you are doing is to take each row from B

, which has the top Delta

, sorted by Gamma

for row Beta

, and concatenate that result into each row from A

. You are essentially taking a subset B

(which will be equal B

if Beta

unique) and cross-join it to A

, because you have not specified any direct relationship between A

and B


In a little more detail, if you take any table and join it to any other table where you don't have TableA.SomeColumn = TableB.SomeColumn

, you just get the full result set from TableB

, which might be limited, and then join that full result to every row in TableA

, because it doesn't It has the ability to limit the result set is connected to the line in TableA

. Hope it helps.



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