Is it possible to manipulate some text with a custom I / O manipulator?

Is there a (clean) way to manipulate some text from std :: cin before inserting it into std::string

so that the following will work:

cin >> setw(80) >> Uppercase >> mystring;


where is mystring std::string

(I don't want to use any string wrappers). Uppercase

- manipulator. I think it should act directly on the Chars in the buffer (whatever is currently considered uppercase and not lowercase). Such a manipulator seems tricky to implement in a clean way, as custom manipulators, as far as I know, are used to easily change or mix some predefined format flags.


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2 answers

(Short) manipulators usually set only flags and data, which the extractors then read and react to. (This requires xalloc

, iword

and pword

.) What you could obviously do is write something similar std::get_money


struct uppercasify {
  uppercasify(std::string &s) : ref(s) {}
  uppercasify(const uppercasify &other) : ref(other.ref) {}
  std::string &ref;
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, uppercasify uc) { // or &&uc in C++11
  is >> uc.ref;
  return is;

cin >> setw(80) >> uppercasify(mystring);


Alternatively, it cin >> uppercase

can return not a reference to cin

, but an instance of some (template) wrapper class uppercase_istream

with an appropriate overload for operator>>

. I don't think it is a good idea to use a manipulator to change the contents of the underlying stream buffer.

If you're desperate enough, I think you could also imbue

create a localized locale that would result in the top lines. I don't think I would let something like this go through the code review, although it's just just waiting to surprise and bite the next person working on the code.



You might want to check out boost iostreams. Its structure allows you to define filters that can control the flow.



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