How do I define global arrays?

Sample code:

      var data = new Array();
      data[0] = 'hi';
      data[1] = 'bye';



This results in the following error: data is not defined

How do you make something like this work? Especially if the first block is <script>

loaded onto the page using ajax and the second block works with it. JQuery's solution is acceptable.


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3 answers


is not a keyword.


var data = new Array();


Or, more succinctly:

var data = [];


After editing, you will notice that the first script block is loaded asynchronously. Your code will not work as written. data

- a global variable when it is loaded onto the page. You need to use a callback pattern for the code to execute correctly.

Since you haven't posted asynchronous code, I'm not going to provide a sample callback

. A quick solution follows though:

var interval = setInterval(function(){
    if(data) {
        /* ... use data ... */
}, 500);




To create a global variable, just omit 'var' from the statement. When you omit "var", you are actually creating a variable in the window's namespace.

So zz = 1

actuallywindow.zz = 1

If you really wanted it, you could directly say = new Array(); //remember that new should be lowercase.


But you can write that it's faster anyway by saying

data = ['hi','bye'];




If you are using jQuery, perhaps you should try .getScript()

instead of using .html()


// in separate file

data[0] = 'hi';
data[1] = 'bye';

// in main file

var data = [];

$.getScript(url).done(function() {
}).fail(function() {
    // handle error




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