Can't set values ​​in swing components in another class

I have this class for my UI

public class MyFrame extends JFrame{
   JTextArea textArea;
  public MyFrame(){
   textArea = new JTextArea(50,50);
   Container content = getContentPane(); 
 public static void main(String[] args){
          JFrame frame = new MyFrame();  
          UpdateText u = new UpdateText();


And I have this other class that will set the text textArea

in which I have expanded MyFrame to acces textArea in another class.

public class UpdateText extends MyFrame{
    public void settext(String msg){


Then I create UpdateText and call the settext function. but the text doesn't seem to show up in the GUI. please, help


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1 answer

First of all, don't override a method setText()

unless you want different behavior. Second, you have nothing to expand. All you have to do is follow these simple steps and you will be set!

  • In the class, UpdateText

    put these lines somewhere in it:

    MyFrame gui;
    public UpdateText(MyFrame in) {
        gui = in;

  • In the "MyFrame" class, put this line at the beginning:

    UpdateText ut = new UpdateText(this);

You can now refer to everything in the class MyFrame

from within the class UpdateText

, navigating to what you want to change with gui

. For example, say that you want to change the text of your text box. The code will look like this:



Happy coding! :)



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