Does the ASP.NET Web API method make sense to return an IQueryable <T>?

I am working on a project that uses a new web API and I noticed that someone is returning an IQueryable <T> from the Get method.

I understand that IQueryable is useful for improving performance (deferred execution), but I don't think the client on the other end of the HTTP connection will be able to take advantage of it.

My gut tells me that it should be IEnumberable <T> instead. Am I right about this?


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1 answer

Responses to methods that return IQueryable<T>

can be "queried" by passing some parameters of type odata in the query string ($ top, $ skip, $ filter, $ orderby). For example, if your resource can be found in ... / api / People, you can send these requests, which will cause the server to return different data:

.../api/People?$top=10                    ==> return only the first 10 elements
.../api/People?$skip=10&$top=5            ==> return the 11th to 15th elements
.../api/People?$filter=Name%20eq%20'John' ==> Only return people named "John"
.../api/People?$orderby=Name&$top=10      ==> return the first 10 elements, ordered by name


Note that in beta, any operation that returns IQueryable<T>

automatically adds this query support. In the last bits (from codeplex), you need to manually add an attribute [Queryable]

to the operation to enable this behavior.

If you don't want this query behavior, then yes, the return is IEnumerable<T>

just fine.



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