BSON Serialization in C # Driver for MongoDB

I just started playing with MongoDB and the official C # driver. And I have a little question about object serialization. For example, we have classes:

public class User
    public string Name;

    public List<Comment> Comments = new List<Comment>(){ new Comment() };
    public List<Card> Cards = new List<Card>() { new Card() };

public class Comment
    public string Id;
    public string Text;

public class Card
    public string Id;
    public string Text;


I want to get a serialized collection of maps in User, but a collection of comments like DBRef. Is it possible to achieve this with the latest C # standard driver? It would be great to use some attribute, for example:

public class User
    public string Name;

    public List<Comment> Comments = new List<Comment>(){ new Comment() };

    public List<Card> Cards = new List<Card>() { new Card() };



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2 answers

Take a look at this project on GitHub.

This project basically provides you with two mapping attributes. OneToMany and ManyToOne. Checkout the code and play with the test project.



You can declare your comments property as List <MongoDBRef> and handle the relationship yourself, but there is no automatic support for that.



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