Some other information

Highway View target acquisition event

Given the following simple html:

<div class="someContainer">
  <h5>Some other information</h5>


And the following Backbone look:

var view = Backbone.View.extend({
  events: {
   'click .someContainer': performAction
  performAction: function (evt) { 
    // Do things here


I find myself doing the next bit of code quite a bit and it looks like a code smell to me. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is there a better way to do this?

...performAction: function (evt) { 
 // Check to see if the that was clicked is the container and not the h5 (child)

 if ($('someContainer')) { 
  // Everything is ok, the is the container
 } else { 
  // the is NOT the container but the child element so...
  var $container = $('.someContainer');

  // At this point I now have the correct element I am looking for


It works, obviously, but I'm not sure if it's good code to write everywhere. I could make a method that I could just call, but I'm not sure what actually fixes the code smell, it just passes it somewhere else.


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1 answer

You can use instead evt.currentTarget


The current DOM element is in the bubbling phase of events.


Or you can use $container = $('.someContainer')

and not worry about nesting.


Which approach you use depends on your specific situation. If you have a click handler on some control, it closest

might make more sense; if you really want the element associated with the click handler (or what you think is all based ondelegate

) then use currentTarget




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