Using ZURB Foundation for Tooltips - Newly generated DOM elements are not bound to the tooltip "hover" event

My specific use case is that I am using postback for .net to display an item update panel with their associated tooltips. I have already initialized the ZURB Foundation (provides tooltips) script on the page and the first page tooltips work fine. After postback, I want to * re * initialize the script so that these new tooltip elements are bound to the "hover" event.

A common use case is any situation where new hint-enabled elements are added in some way.

It seems to me that the "hover" binding is done on the init page before the existing collection of ".has-tip" elements, but there is handling for future .has-tip elements that go into existence.

I would like to do the following: a) Re-initialize the tooltip plugin and find new .has-tip elements to attach the "hover" event.

tried a few different ways to try and re-initialize, but



seems to be the most reassuring as it successfully calls the init method in the script but does not bind the hover event to the new .has-tip elements.


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3 answers

Edit / Clarification:

  • Seems like there was a bug with dynamic content:

  • When the bug is fixed (you can fix it yourself, read the pull link for more information), the bug is fixed so that you can run a skin update for all pages:

    $ (doc) .tooltips ('reload');

Original Answer

If you haven't decided yet, jquery.tooltips.js has a method / function called .reload, which actually seems the most promising (code from the Foundation plugin):

reload : function() {
      var $self = $(this);
      return ($'tooltips')) ? $self.tooltips('destroy').tooltips('init') : $self.tooltips('init');


This is really a whole chain of their other methods, but .destroy before.init is probably best to avoid double prompts or other collision.



I've tried many suggestions but it really works:

After finishing editing the DOM, you should call



This proposal will update everything, including the hints. WORKS HOW TO CHARM.



I had the same problem when modals were created with Ajax,

Here's my fix for this:

  .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', function () {
    $('html').css({'overflow': 'hidden'});
    var tip = $(this);


It works for ZF v5.2 +



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