Play recorded audio during voice call using NDK or third party APIs

I did a lot of research to find out how to play pre-recorded audio during a voice call in Android, but everywhere I noticed that its not possible with the currently supported APIs and also there is no work.

so i want to know if anyone knows how to do this using the NDK or any other external APIs?

I tried to even re-contact the members who asked the question, but most of them were seen 1 year ago, so I asked him again.

My main point is, if anyone has studied how to implement this using the NDK, then please split the roadmap to do the same?


I tried to play the recorded file on the speaker while the other person picks up the call, but the audio file plays on my end, but not on the other end of the person, even though I was playing on my speaker. so this solution doesn't work.


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