Debug IE crash

I have a web app running fine in Chrome and FireFox but crashing in IE. Please note that this is not a JavaScript error, but the iexplore.exe process is actually crashing.

The code is posted below. This will crash in IE9 (on button click). Reversing JavaScript or making changes to the CSS can fix this problem, but understand that this is minified code from a much larger application that cannot be easily changed in this way (for example, in a real application, two JavaScript commands are called in two different functions - the second is conditionally executed based on results of the first). I'm not even sure if my question is more than "is there a way to get Microsoft to quickly fix this?" I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>IE Crash</title>
        <div id="dvStep11" style="width:500px;">
            <label for="inpDOB">Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)</label>
            <input type="text" id="inpDOB" style="width:350px;" />
        <button onclick="document.getElementById('inpDOB').value = '12/7/1971';document.getElementById('dvStep11').style.display='none';">Click here</button>


Edit: I started a business with Microsoft and am working on it with a member of the development team. I will update this when I receive more information.


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2 answers

Microsoft has confirmed to me that this is a bug in the IE9 rendering engine. From my further research, this is because the width of the parent DIV combined with the width of the INPUT causes the INPUT to wrap. For some reason, in this case, assigning an INPUT value and immediately hiding the parent DIV of IE crashes.

Microsoft suggested that I force IE to use IE8's rendering engine (which doesn't crash) with this line of code:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />


I found, however, that I can also just avoid the problem by wrapping the INPUT in my own unlinearized DIV or SPAN. This is preferred because, apart from this bug, IE9's rendering engine is much better (and faster) than IE8.



It's funny that the IE9 debugger brings quite useful information with breakpoints, variable tracking, etc., so I would try to find out if that might help. (If you can get IE9, I'm not sure about the dev tools in IE 7 and 8).



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