How to refactor the "IsAuthenticated" method to provide a better api

I have a method IsAuthenticated

that has a complex argument type (I copied it from the play2 zentasks example):

def IsAuthenticated(f: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result): Action[(Action[AnyContent], AnyContent)] =
  Security.Authenticated(username, onUnauthorized) { userId =>
    Action { implicit request =>
      val email = request.session("")


To use it, my action:

def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated { email => request =>


You can see that I have to declare an event email

if I don't need to use it. I can use instead _


def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated { _ => _ =>


But _ => _ =>

it's still boring.

How can I refactor a method to make it easier to use? e.g. If I don't need email

and request

, I can:

def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated {


If I just need to request

, I can:

def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated { request =>


If I need to email

, I declare them all:

def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated { email => request =>



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1 answer

You can overload IsAuthenticated

to provide the different flavors that you need. For example:

def IsAuthenticated(result: => Result) = IsAuthenticated { _ => _ => result }


Then you can use it like this:

def delete(id:String) = IsAuthenticated {




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