Using ASP MVC without annotations

I am just learning how to do ASP MVC. All the tutorials I see use a combination of Html.LabelFor and DisplayAttribute. Personally, I'm not a big fan of adding these annotations to my model objects, and I would like to know if there is an acceptable alternative. I thought this might be a place for something like Knockout or Backbone, but I'm so new to this stuff that it's hard for me to hide my brain around different parts.

I know this has probably already been asked and answered; I can't even figure out how to do this :(

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

you can skip data annotations

You can write

<label for='@(var1)'>@Name</label>



<label for='name1'>Text</label>



Html.Label("ControlName", "Name")



Html.LabelFor  with data anot.


any of this will be correct

also using helpers with lamda expressions (Html.LabelFor) is much slower than Html.Label or simple html code <label for='@(var1)'>@Name</label>

This is true for all mvc html helpers



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