Java order arraylist string [] by number

I have a list of arrays of type String []. I want to order it by String [0] as int. I have it:

Collections.sort(listitems, new Comparator<String[]>() {
 public int compare(String[] lhs, String[] rhs) {
  return lhs[0].compareToIgnoreCase(rhs[0]);


but this order looks like this:
12 page 2 20
21 page 3 of 4 page 5 I tried to convert lhs[0]

and rhs[0]

to int

but the type int

has no comparison and I'm not sure which type int

I need to return


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4 answers

The result compare

should be:

  • Negative if the first argument is logically "less" than the second
  • Positive if the first argument is logically greater than the second
  • Zero if the first argument is logically equal to the second

So, if you are sure that the first line of each array will be parsed as an integer, I would use:

public int compare(String[] lhs, String[] rhs) {
    int leftInt = Integer.parseInt(lhs[0]);
    int rightInt = Integer.parseInt(rhs[0]);
    return leftInt < rightInt ? -1
        : leftInt > rightInt ? 1
        : 0;


Java 1.7 has a useful method

, but I assume it won't be available to you. You can use it Integer.compareTo

, but it can create more junk than you really want on a mobile device ...

Note that this will work even when leftInt

u rightInt

are very large or possibly negative, the solution to simply subtracting one value from another assumes that the subtraction will not overflow.



I think this should do the job for you, assuming that the contents of the arrays are string representations of integers:

Collections.sort(listitems, new Comparator<String[]>() {
 public int compare(String[] lhs, String[] rhs) {
  return Integer.valueOf(lhs[0]).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(rhs[0]));




Your comparison is based on the alphabetical order of the number. To compare them numerically:

Integer.parseInt(lhs[0]) - Integer.parseInt(rhs[0]);




You can try Integer.parseInt (1hs [0]) - Integer.parseInt (rhs [0]);


int compareTo (Integer anotherInteger) sytnax


decoding (String nm)



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