Set PROMPT_COMMAND and PS4 (having command start date and hard print path)

I am trying to show the execution date of my command. So I am using PS4 bash environment variables by providing here

PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
PS4=:\D{%F %T}: ; set -x


which gives me the following prompt

[user@host temp]$ \ls
:2012-04-10 13:43:52: ls
dir1  dir12  test
[user@host temp]$


In the other hand, I would like my path not to be too long when I'm in a deep directory (this is very common). I found the following code (I don't remember where) which is very good

bash_prompt_command() {
# How many characters of the $PWD should be kept
local pwdmaxlen=25
# Indicate that there has been dir truncation
local trunc_symbol=".."
local dir=${PWD##*/}
pwdmaxlen=$(( ( pwdmaxlen < ${#dir} ) ? ${#dir} : pwdmaxlen ))
local pwdoffset=$(( ${#NEW_PWD} - pwdmaxlen ))
if [ ${pwdoffset} -gt "0" ]
PS1="[\u@\h \${NEW_PWD}]\\$ "


which gives me the following

[user@host semishort_path]$ 


The problem occurs when I use both PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND, which gives me this awful thing:

[user@host temp]$ \ls
:2012-04-10 13:48:32: ls
dir1  dir12  test
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: bash_prompt_command
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: local pwdmaxlen=25
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: local trunc_symbol=..
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: local dir=temp
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: pwdmaxlen=25
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: NEW_PWD='~/temp'
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: local pwdoffset=-19
::2012-04-10 13:48:32: '[' -19 -gt 0 ']'
[user@host temp]$ 


The commands used in the PROMPT_COMMAND function are displayed on the PS4.

I am looking for a way to avoid this effect:

  • displaying real time (updated every second on the same prompt line) in my prompt (PS1 or PROMPT_COMMAND)
  • Find another way to reduce the length of the path (I need the last two directories to be printed when I'm not on ~)
  • maybe other ideas.

I know this is a tricky problem, but my bash thing should be able to do what I want!


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1 answer

The easiest way is to execute the code before each command

function tsprint() {
        if [[ $BASH_COMMAND != bash_prompt_command ]]
                echo $(date) ": $BASH_COMMAND"
PS1="[\u@\h \${NEW_PWD}]\\$ "
PROMPT_COMMAND="bash_prompt_command;trap 'tsprint; trap DEBUG' DEBUG"


Here's the sample output:

[shaman@shamanbook ~]$ cd Music/
Fri Apr 13 02:22:34 EEST 2012 : cd Music/
[shaman@shamanbook ~]$ ls
Fri Apr 13 02:22:34 EEST 2012 : ls --color=auto
[shaman@shamanbook ~/Music]$
[shaman@shamanbook ~/Music]$ pwd
Fri Apr 13 02:22:39 EEST 2012 : pwd
[shaman@shamanbook ~/Music]$
[shaman@shamanbook ~/Music]$




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