Fill in facebook upload message dialog

I have a little game on my site and I want people to post their best times on facebook. To do this, I made an application and then used the following link:

But I don't know how to do this to fill the message field. What can I do?


source to share

3 answers

You don't have to populate the post field, asper Facebook, unless from a natural flow like a user typing a text field and submitting to the post field on submit. You should use descriptions, title fields for your purpose.



Post parameter is deprecated, also you can use FBJS API to post to user feed,

function postToFeed() {
    var obj = {
        method:      'feed',
        link:        '',
        picture:     'https://domain.tld/75x75.jpg',
        name:        'TITLE',
        caption:     'CAPTION',
        description: 'My Score: '+score


but first you have to ask the user for permission publish_stream




Since you have a game application, all you have to do is publish your score using the games API described here:


Results and achievements

... Grades and Achievements The APIs are built on Open Graph and receive the same distribution points as all Open Graph stories - Ticker, News and Timeline. In addition to these ratings and achievements, they also benefit from the built-in aggregates and stories that were developed by Facebook.



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