SVG constructive region geometry?

Are there SVG functions that perform CAG operations similar to those Area

provided in Java (

I would like to perform these operations directly using the SVG library (like Batik), not through the Batik Graphics2D class, which does the SVG export (since I prefer using the SVG API over Java2D).



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1 answer

SVG has no functionality built into them, its a wise specification for graphical drawing (except for some animation features)

I would preprocess the vector values ​​used by your application and then apply them to SVG rendering.

Without knowing your platform or your SVG application ... its hard to help. SVG can be used in many ways and places! :)

Java references allow me to assume that you are using it as an interface mechanism? but about that. If you want to know the area of ​​a circle, you will need to find the circle in the DOM tree, emit the attributes from the node, and just insert them into a standard CAG class to do the math for you.



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