How to develop a music visualizer using openFrameworks

I am going to use openFrameworks to create a music visualizer - music disc graphics. I can use Opengl to generate graphics. But the problem lies in the audio processing part. I have no experience in this area. I once thought I could extract music functions like pitch, beat, volume to control graphics. But now I don't know where to start. I learned fft from math, but I don't know what to do after I get the spectrum of a piece of music, how can I extract those music functions after fft? Or how to do some of the music processing?


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1 answer

I would start playing with ofxFFT and then learn intuitively. Have you installed the music you will be using? What are the characteristics you are looking for? You should probably start by looking for specific frequencies - eg high, low, mid. You will likely find that depending on the type of sound / music you play, you may not always get a connection between what you think it should detect and what it actually detects. A wave is a series of values ​​that you can fulfill. You can determine the speed at which it changes, how many times it goes above or below the range, etc.



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