DDMS screen capture not working

I am unable to get the Devices screen capture (as shown in the DDMS perspective) to work with my Archos A80 (it works with Samsung Galaxy). I've tried the suggestions mentioned in android screen issues in Eclipse . When running DDMS offline, as suggested there, I see Windows console: W / ddms: Unable to get framebuffer: timeout. I've already set the timeout to 35000 in DDMS variants to no avail. Any other suggestions?


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3 answers

I had the same problem. After I disabled "Use GPU" it works like a charm.



I also crossed over this answer in a related question: it works for me, also when Logcat stops working: when I disable and re-enable debug mode on the device, everything works again.



I think you should try this on eclipse

Go to Window -> show view -> other -> android -> devices, then click **OK**


Now select the device you want to capture and click the Capture Screen button in the right of the Device screen .



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