JQuery: How to "nudge" a slide and not slide up?

I am using the following JQuery:



However, this creates a "slide" effect. Meaning, if I do a slidedown

, it makes the DIV underline by expanding it from top to bottom expansion.

I want a "push" effect where it instead shows a slide like the div is being pushed onto the page ... where you see the bottom of the div first.

How can I do this using JQuery?


This is not a great example , but it does show the pressing effect I am trying to accomplish against the "slide" effect.


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4 answers

You can use jQuery's animate () method.

$("div").css({top:0}).animate({top:500},{duration: 50});


This will first set your div to the top: 0 and animate it from the top: 500 for 0.5 seconds.



You want jquery ui! Check it out: http://jqueryui.com/demos/effect/#default

Here's a closer look: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Slide



You might want to try slide effect for .show and .hide in jQuery UI.

JQuery UI Show Demo



Looks like you want a combination of slide effect and clip effect.

Not sure if this effect will use.



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