R arules - a subset of transactions matching a rule

I am using the R arules package . I have some transactions and a rule (see below). I want a subset of transactions to break the rule. How can i do this?

This is the setting:

rules = apriori(Adult,parameter=list(support=0.2,confidence=0.8))


I want a subset of transactions that contain the left side of the rule r

but not the right side. There is no such example in the arules documentation. I've tried %in%

, match

and subset

, but I can't get the syntax right.

The documentation for the function subset

has an example of subset rules, but no examples of transaction subsets.



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1 answer

In fact, the subset syntax in the arules context is very similar to any other context: you can try this:

subset(transactions, items %in% lhs(r) & !items %in% rhs(r) )


Hope this helps!



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