Apache Directory Studio

I installed Apache Directory Studio and created a simple server following this tutorial. http://krams915.blogspot.com/2011/01/ldap-apache-directory-studio-basic.html

It works great. Now I want to see the log file with all the requests the server receives. For this I enable Apache Directory Studio -> Settings -> Apache directory Studio -> apache DS -> Server Logs -> Level: Debug

Or is there a better way (to view LDAP requests from clients)?

However, restarting the server with this, I get a Java heap error in Apache DS studio.

I created a file / Applications / Apache \ Directory \ Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/ApacheDirectoryStudio.ini as mentioned in this webpage and double its values: http://directory.apache.org/studio/faqs.html

but I still get the same error. Why is this? is it apache ds studio trying to load all record into memory? (and even so, the log file is less than 10 MB ...)

How to solve this problem? If there is no easy solution, I will install Apache DS myself (without Apache DS Studio); this should work.

Regards, David


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