JavaScript Module Pattern: Default Values

I am working on a project in which we use a template to define "modules" (ie effectively public static classes) where each module has init()

to be called after the module has been defined. It looks like this:

MyNamespace.MyModule = (function () {
    var my = {};
    my.init = function(config) {
        // setup initial state using config
    return my;


I see two patterns in this codebase for the config

default definition and wonder which one might be better - if there are any advantages or disadvantages that I don't see right away. Recommendations?

Here's the first one:

MyNamespace.MyModule = (function () {
    var my = {}, 

    my.init = function(config) {
        config = config || {};
        username = config.username || 'Anonymous';
        policyId = config.policyId || null;
        displayRows = config.displayRows || 50;

    return my;


And here's the second:

MyNamespace.MyModule = (function () {
    var my = {}, 
        username = 'Anonymous',
        policyId = null,
        displayRows = 50;

    my.init = function(config) {
        config = config || {};
        username = config.username || username;
        policyId = config.policyId || policyId;
        displayRows = config.displayRows || displayRows;

    return my;



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1 answer

It doesn't make much of a difference, it's really all about what you read. I personally like the second method because it decouples the defaults from the logic.



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