Is GlassFish supposed to work?

This is with GF 3.1.1 build 12.

I have a JSF 2 web application that uses EclipseLink 2.3.0 as a 3rd party JPA provider. You can see the deployment here .

When I use the admin console to redeploy it downloads the WAR file just fine, then all hell breaks loose. As soon as someone accesses the page, the log is filled with exceptions, usually associated with attempting to perform operations on a closed EntityManager. If I let it go, GlassFish degenerates and pretty much crashes - I can no longer get a response on the admin port.

If I do a reboot then it is working fine. So my question is, which application can redeploy without rebooting? Is there something I can do for my application to make the transition from one version to another smoothly?


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