How do I programmatically add an image to Android PopupMenu ()?

I would like to add thumbnails to each item in my popup menu. I can dynamically create my menu and add text elements, how can I add images, you can give an example or direct me to some resources

I want to do it without using xml like I did below.

Sample code ...

popupMenu = new PopupMenu(VideoPlayer.this, v); 
   if(bitRates != null){
       int menuItem = 0;
       popupMenu.getMenu().add(0,menuItem, 0,"Hide menu");
          for(int i=1;i<bitRates.size();i++){
              menuItem = i;
              popupMenu.getMenu().add(0,menuItem, 0,qualityList.get(i)+" : "+bitRates.get(i));
              Log.i("ITEM",qualityList.get(i)+" : "+bitRates.get(i));

          popupMenu.getMenu().add(0,menuItem++, 0,"Back to home");





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1 answer

Given this other answer , it seems like it needs to be done using Dialogs .



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