Is there an easy way to profile a java program in eclipse?

I prefer to use eclipse for development but haven't been able to figure out how to profile in it. I read that I need to open the profiling perspective, but there are no options when I look (the documentation on the eclipse site seemed old ). I looked at the market and there was no clear choice. So what I've been doing (it's not the best choice, but it does what I want) is copying my code into netbeans and running the built-in profiling tool that graphically shows me where most of my time is being spent (it's just annoying to keep copying / pasting code from eclipse to netbeans as I prefer my settings in eclipse over netbeans but can't profile).

Is there a profiler I can use in eclipse that is easy and intuitive?

I'm a newbie so sorry in advance if there is an obvious way to do it that I'm missing (or if it's built into a generic debugger, I haven't learned how to use them yet).


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1 answer

You can run your application in Eclipse and use VisualVM or YourKit, or you can use TPTP .



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