C # Regular Expression

I have a text file ( .txt

) that has some expressions and I want to replace the invalid expression with ...... let's say zero.

An invalid expression is an expression containing 1+3^4^5

or 10+3+4*5+2^5^6^7

, that is, an expression cannot contain number^number^number^...

, it can only contain number^number


I understand that the best way to do this is to use Regex, but I don't know how to write this in regex.


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2 answers

A regular expression that will detect multiple degrees,



( {2,}

means two or more times in a row)

Run the following test:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SampleNamespace
    public class SampleClass
        public static void Main()
            string line = "1+3^4^5  10+3+4*5+2^5^6^7";              
            line = Regex.Replace(line, @"(\d+\^){2,}", "0");


The output was:

1+3^4^5  10+3+4*5+2^5^6^7
1+05  10+3+4*5+07


Couldn't replace trailing \ d but it works. You can capture the trailing \ d with the following regex correction:



If you want to destroy all expression containing double cardinality, just use



in your expresion replacement. .*

on either side will absorb the entire string surrounding double the power when the replacement occurs.



Here's the regex for that:

Regex re = new Regex(@"(\d+\^){2}");


if(re.IsMatch(myData)) {
    // It not valid




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