Python how to link progress bar to distutils.dir_util.copy_tree

I made a small application, basically at some point I call distutils.dir_util.copy_tree which copies the file to the destination. Can anyone help me link a basic progress bar like:



to the copying process ... unfortunately, I can't guess that I'm going to take a long time to make a copy of the folder tree, as it will be different from time to time. Thanks in advance to everyone who answers me.


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3 answers


does not provide a callback that you can use to do this. You will need to use os.walk()

to enumerate filesystem objects and then use shutil.copy[2]()

to copy real objects.



Corey Glodberg wrote about a simple lib for doing ascii progress step in command line applications, you might be wondering:



As explained in the Python doc, you can provide a callback for shutil.copytree.

from shutil import copytree

def _countFiles(path, names):
    #do someting with "path" and "names"
    return []   # nothing will be ignored

copytree(source, destination, ignore=_countFiles)


I haven't written any code to make progress, but you get the idea:

  • count files in your directory (and subdirectories)
  • in "_countFiles", increase the number of processed files
  • progress = nb_processed_files * 100 / nb_total_files




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