Tcl string replacement

$arg=TEST #### Requested, NOT AVAILABLE psy #;


I have a line above where # is dynamically generated. I have to use a function in tcl to replace a string. Basically I need to remove the comma (,) form of the above expression and display it as

TEST #### Requested NOT AVAILABLE psy #

Here is what I did, but it doesn't work.

regsub -all {"Requested,"} $arg {"Requested"} arg


I link to the function here:


source to share

3 answers

The problem is quoting. You are actually checking the string "Requested,"

(including quotes), but that is not what you want. Try to either get rid of the sliding brackets ( }

) or the double quotes ( "


set arg "TEST #### Requested, NOT AVAILABLE psy #;"
regsub -all "Requested," $arg "Requested" arg


If all you need to get rid of is the comma, you can search / replace it (just replace it with an empty string ""


regsub -all "," $arg "" arg



regsub -all {,} $arg {} arg


As the commenter already pointed out, the latter might be better in general, since regexes often contain many backslashes ( /

), and parentheses {}

don't require a significant amount of distracting extra backtraces, the way that quotes do ""




Another lighter weight option, which is a regex, is [string map]

set arg [string map { , "" } $arg]


If you don't need a global delete:

set idx [string first , $arg]
set arg [string replace $arg $idx [incr idx]]




set hfkf "555";
set arg "TEST #### Requested, NOT AVAILABLE psy #;"
regsub -all "Requested," $arg "Requested" arg
regsub -all {"Requested,"} $arg {"Requested"} arg




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