Need a normal Coffeescript editor

I have to use CoffeeScript in my work. This is a great probe, because often I don't understand what he should write and where the error is.

At the moment I only use online conversion tools like and the desktop application - RubyMine editor. Both are very poor, letting me know what the syntax should be, and even where the actual error sits in the source code.

Could you suggest a decent CoffeeScript editor with great feedback and even better instant JavaScript conversion like


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2 answers

In fact, a decent debugger is still one of the big drawbacks when using Coffeescript. However, I find it sufficient to use the Coffeescripts module powered by Node.js. There are a few steps to take, but when you finally get there, this is a pretty nice working environment for Coffeescript.

Download and install NodeJS as well as npm that usually comes with NodeJS. Run

npm install -g coffee-script


on the command line to install Coffeescript. Move to the desired directory, create a file

and run

coffee -cwb


You can now edit the file with your preferred editor (I prefer Notepad ++ ) and the edited coffeescript file is compiled whenever you change it.In addition, the Coffeescript module outputs a more or less useful error message to solve the problem more efficiently.

For more information on how to run Coffeescript from the command line, see the Coffeescript Home Page .



Looks like this JetBrains feature might be right up your alley.



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