NSWindow not showing?

I have the following code:

NSRect contentRect = NSZeroRect;
contentRect.size = NSMakeSize(400, 400);
contentRect.origin = NSMakePoint(400, 400);

NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];

[window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
[window setMovableByWindowBackground:NO];
[window setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:YES];
[window setAlphaValue:0.8];
[window setOpaque:NO];
[window setHasShadow:YES];
[window useOptimizedDrawing:YES];

[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];


It's called - (BOOL) applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag

. This function is called when you click on the dock icon.

Why is my window not showing?

I also noticed that when clicking a dozen times on the dock icon. Someday I see my window pop up for 1/10 of a second. Then he disappears.


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1 answer

If you are using ARC,

Then make it window

as a property for the class. It will be resolved because in this case it is released.


@property(strong) NSWindow* window;



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