API Level Caching in Ektron

I am working at Ektron 8.6.

Does anyone know how API level caching is managed in ektron? Are there any configuration settings to control API level caching? (Web.config or any other config files). Which API level caching is enabled by default? Difference in the previous version (Ektron 8.5)?


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1 answer

Since version 8.5, Ektron introduced a caching layer that sits under its Framework APIs. It is customizable (enable, disable, install ttl, etc.) and extensible (vendor based so you can implement vendors for different cache servers like Reddis, etc.).

It is not enabled by default. By default, every API call ends up in the database (or search index). Since this is new in version 8.5+, older versions of Ektron do not have any kind of built-in API level caching, although they can obviously use whatever standard .NET caching you want to build yourself.

Here's a technical webinar on API Level Caching in 8.5. The chunk pertaining to your question starts at 26:25, but I would watch the whole thing if you haven't seen it yet.


Ektron cache provider uses in-memory / in-proc application scopes storage by default. After that, you can take a look at this open source project that implements a third party cache provider for Redis. You can use this as is, or use it as a stub for your own cache provider for another system, or just stick with the OOB In-proc cache provider.





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