Who can tell me the difference between assignment and copy of NSArray?


NSArray* a = xxxxxx;

NSArray* b;

b = a;



NSArray* a = xxxxxx;

NSArray* b;

b = [a copy];


I know that a copy is a "light copy", a mutable copy is a "deep copy".

copy is the address of the memory copy, and the modified copy is the memory copy objects.

But I do not know the purpose and am copying another.



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2 answers

This Apple Documentation is helpful:

A regular copy is a shallow copy that creates a new collection that shares ownership of the objects with the original. Deep Copies create new objects from the originals and add them to a new collection.

Therefore, in the first example it b

points to the same NSArray instance as a

. The second example b

points to a new NSArray instance containing references to the same objects contained in the array it points to a




b = a;


indicates the same address where it a

indicates. So changing one will be the same. It's called how call by reference


b = [a copy];

creates another object a

and points to b

. Two different sets of objects are formed here, so changing one of them will be independent of each other. It looks like call by value

. And here b

will contain immutableCopy a

even if a




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