C ++ string comparison

class Song {

    const string getAutherName();

void mtm::RadioManager::addSong(const Song& song,const Song& song1) {

    if (song.getAutherName() == song1.getAutherName())



I am getting this error:

Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> getAutherName() ' - passing 'const mtm::Song' as 'this' argument of 'std::string mtm::Song::getAutherName()' discards qualifiers [- fpermissive]


Why is it used basic_string

and not string

! How to fix it?


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4 answers

Your getAutherName()

function is not const

, so it cannot be called via const Song&

. Modify the function declaration as follows:

class Song {

    const string getAutherName() const;




You are calling getAutherName()

on const Songs

, so you need to make this method const


const string getAutherName() const;


It is not clear why you are returning const string

. Either return a string

, or return a const reference by one:

const string& getAutherName() const;
string getAutherName() const;





is a typedef for basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >

, the compiler just expands the typedef in the error message.

However, why the code doesn't work I don't know. You seem to have cut out the part of the error message where the "."



You need to add qualification const

in getAutherName

to allow it to be called on const objects Song


//| -- Returns a `const` `string` (this is bad practice
//v    because it inhibits optimization)
const string getAutherName() const;
// Can be called on a `const`    ^
// `Song`. This is good practice |
// because it it allows `getAutherName()`
// to be used in more places, and it encourages
// const-correctness.




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