Apache 2.4.x Bandwidth quota / throttle / speed

I am looking for a new Apache 2.4.x module or solution that allows me to configure a bandwidth quota. A long time ago I used mod_throttle, which only works for version 1.3 and is no longer supported since then. I also use mod_cband, which I fixed to work with Apache 2.4, and it seems to get the job done, but I'm worried about future Apache updates that could make this software die out. Also mod_cband appears and is not supported.

I looked at mod_bandwidth but it only seems to work for 1.3.x and mod_ratelimit doesn't exactly do what I'm looking for.

Specifically, I'm looking for a way to set the maximum quota for each virtual host, and when that limit is reached, either the connection slows down or an error is displayed. The quota should be configured to automatically reset based on a predefined key, IE: 30 days, 2 hours, etc.

Any guidance would be enjoyable. Paid software is fine for me too, if I can demo it. Surely an open source solution would be best =)

I must add, this should be for Unix / Linux, not Windows!


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1 answer

Try this   http://dembol.org/blog/mod_cband manges banwidth and qouta + works on linux



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