Postgresql trigram text search with pg_search result order

I have implemented trigram search using pg_search gem on rails.

The problem is that sometimes the order of the returned results seems to be wrong according to the definition of trigram search, which shows the gem documentation:

Trigram search works by counting the number of three-letter substrings (or "trigrams") between the query and the text.

My application receives string input from the user ("111 Streetname") and returns a list of addresses matching the Address.full_string value, with a rough search using a trigram.

List of search examples

Search for trigrams: "1493 cambrid"

  • Results:
    • 100 Cambridgeside Pl
    • 100 Cambridgeside Pl
    • 150 Cambridgepark Dr
    • 1575 Cambridge St
    • 1573 Cambridge St
    • 1493 Cambridge St

Search for trigrams: "1493 cambr"

  • Result:
    • 1493 Cambridge St

Search for trigrams: "1493 cambri"

  • Results:
    • 1575 Cambridge St
    • 1573 Cambridge St
    • 1493 Cambridge St

Search for trigrams: "1493 cambridge"

  • Results:
    • 1493 Cambridge St
    • 5 Cambridgepark Dr
    • 7 Cambridgepark Dr
    • 100 Cambridgeside Pl
    • and much more


¿Why isn't "1493 Cambridge St" always on top of the results? ¿Do I need to modify the trigram search query or is this just the way the algorithm works?

Request example

SELECT "addresses".*, (ts_rank((to_tsvector('simple', coalesce("addresses"."full_string"::text, ''))), (to_tsquery('simple', ''' ' || '1493' || ' ''') && to_tsquery('simple', ''' ' || 'cambridge' || ' ''')), 0)) AS pg_search_rank FROM "addresses" WHERE (((coalesce("addresses"."full_string"::text, '')) % '1493 cambridge')) ORDER BY pg_search_rank DESC, "addresses"."id" ASC



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1 answer

While you're in the tutorial on finding trigrams , you're actually working with a function ts_rank()

from text search .

If you order results

(addresses.full_string <-> '1493 cambridge')


... you get what you ask for.

is the operator of the trigram distance.

You can also use the %

("similarity") operator in a sentence WHERE

. Ideally, you would have a GiST index with an gist_trgm_ops

in column for this.



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