How to switch admob view from MainViewController using Cordova

I have applied admob in my iPhone app, but the generated view needs to be switched based on my javascript condition. So, I need to switch this view using cordova plugins. Is it possible to switch admob view using phonegap?


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1 answer

I'm going to assume that when you switch you want you to hide the view. You can also say that you want to request a new declaration, but regardless, I think the logic will be the same.

If you set up your AdMob code as a plugin, you can write some js that call this (you could do that even if you didn't). So the javascript method might look like:

AdMob.prototype.hideAd =
    function(options, successCallback, failureCallback) {
  var defaults = {
    'isHidden': false

  for (var key in defaults) {
    if (typeof options[key] !== 'undefined') {
      defaults[key] = options[key];

      new Array(defaults)


Then, in your own code that handles the AdMob view, you can do something like this:

- (void)hidAd:(NSMutableArray *)arguments
         withDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)options {
  CDVPluginResult *pluginResult;
  NSString *callbackId = [arguments pop];

  if (!self.bannerView) {
    // Try to prevent requestAd from being called without createBannerView first
    // being called.
    pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR
                                                     @"No ad view exists"];
    [self writeJavascript:[pluginResult toErrorCallbackString:callbackId]];
  BOOL isHidden = (BOOL)[[options objectForKey:@"isHidden"] boolValue];
  self.bannerView.hidden  = isHidden;

  pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK];
  [self writeJavascript:[pluginResult toSuccessCallbackString:callbackId]];




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