C # execute methods in the form

How to create a C # program that does the following: 1. Create a WindowsForm with a button and a label 2. When the button is clicked, the label should change from "False" to "True" or vice versa

I want the label message to be displayed based on the state of a boolean variable.

bool Light1 = false;


When I click the button, I want it to Light1

become True, and if I click it again, it becomes False.

The label displays True or False depending on Light1


The problem I am facing is changing the label depending on Light1

. Code that runs when the button is clicked:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (parametri.Light1 == false)
        parametri.Light1 = true;
        parametri.Light1 = false;



is a class that contains one public bool variable Light1

that is initialized to False.

I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how I can establish the relationship between the label and the Light1 variable.


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2 answers

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // No need of IF Statements to reverse a Boolean
    parametri.Light1 = !parametri.Light1;
    label1.Text = parametri.Light1.ToString();


If you want to have the first uppercase letter (True, False), just do this:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // No need of IF Statements to reverse a Boolean
    parametri.Light1 = !parametri.Light1;

    Char[] characters = parametri.Light1.ToString().ToCharArray();
    characters[0] = Char.ToUpper(characters[0]);

    label1.Text = new String(characters);




You can set the bool value in the label using the property Text


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // invert the bool value with the not operator. In C# is equals Java "!"
    parametri.Light1 == !parametri.Light1;

    // print the bool value in your label.
    Label1.Text = parametri.Light1.ToString();




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