How do I create a UIScrollView that allows paging and scaling of UIImageViews?

I tried to make a UIScrollView which allows paging of different UIImageView and scale each image. My first idea was to create a UIScrollView for swap, then create a UIScrollView for each UIImageView that allows me to scale that image.

I know there is a demo of Apple's PhotoScroller, but it's very complicated, I really don't need the Tiles features.

Do you know any tutorial that talks about this?


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1 answer

There is a really good WWDC 2010 video "Designing Scrolling Applications" that accompanies the PhotoScroller code. The first half describes what you want, the second half is all about shingles. Watch the first half.

Open Apple Archive Video Archive, then select Video 5, Session 104 Designing Applications Using Scrolling.

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