Pirate Monte Carlo Method

I am working on a simple Monte Carlo simulation script, which I will continue later for a larger project. script is a basic crawler trying to navigate from point A to point B on the grid. Point A's coordinates are (1,1) (this is the top-left corner) and point B's coordinates are (n, n) (this is bottom-right corner, n is the grid size).

Once the finder starts to move, there are four options: it can go left, right, up or down (diagonal movement is allowed). If any of these four options satisfy the following:

  • The new point must still be within the nxn grid
  • The new location should not be visited earlier

the new point will be chosen randomly among the remaining valid parameters (as far as I know, Python uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm to select random numbers).

I would like to run the simulation 1000,000 times (the code below only works 100) and each iteration must be completed either:

  • Scanner gets stuck (no valid options to move)
  • The crawler hits the final destination (n, n) on the grid.

I thought I had implemented the algorithm correctly, but obviously something is wrong. Regardless of how many times I run the simulations (100 or 1,000,000), I only get one successful event with which the robot manages to get to the end, and the rest of the attempts (99, or 999,999) are unsuccessful.

I bet there is something simple that I'm missing but somehow can't see. Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch!

EDIT: Corrected some typos in the text.

import random

i = 1 # initial coordinate top left corner
j = 1 # initial coordinate top left corner
k = 0 # counter for number of simulations
n = 3 # Grid size

foundRoute = 0 # counter for number of cases where the final point is reached
gotStuck = 0 # counter for number of cases where no valid options found
coordList = [[i, j]]

while k < 100:
    while True:
        validOptions = []

        opt1 = [i - 1, j]
        opt2 = [i, j + 1]
        opt3 = [i + 1, j]
        opt4 = [i, j - 1]

        # Check 4 possible options out of bound and re-visited coordinates are
        # discarded:

        if opt1[0] != 0 and opt1[0] <= n and opt1[1] != 0 and opt1[1] <= n:
            if not opt1 in coordList:

        if opt2[0] != 0 and opt2[0] <= n and opt2[1] != 0 and opt2[1] <= n:
            if not opt2 in coordList:

        if opt3[0] != 0 and opt3[0] <= n and opt3[1] != 0 and opt3[1] <= n:
            if not opt3 in coordList:

        if opt4[0] != 0 and opt4[0] <= n and opt4[1] != 0 and opt4[1] <= n:
            if not opt4 in coordList:

        # Break loop if there are no valid options
        if len(validOptions) == 0:
            gotStuck = gotStuck + 1

        # Get random coordinate among current valid options
        newCoord = random.choice(validOptions)

        # Append new coordinate to the list of grid points visited (to be used
        # for checks)

        # Break loop if lower right corner of the grid is reached
        if newCoord == [n, n]:
            foundRoute = foundRoute + 1

        # If the loop is not broken, assign new coordinates
        i = newCoord[0]
        j = newCoord[1]
    k = k + 1

print 'Route found %i times' % foundRoute
print 'Route not found %i times' % gotStuck



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1 answer

Your problem is that you never clear your visited places. Modify the block that breaks out of the inner loop while

to look something like this:

 if len(validOptions) == 0:
     gotStuck = gotStuck + 1
     coordList = [[1,1]]
     i,j = (1,1)


You will also need to change your block, where you get:

if newCoord == [n, n]:
    foundRoute = foundRoute + 1
    coordList = [[1,1]]
    i,j = (1,1)


Alternatively, you can just place this code right before the inner loop while

. The beginning of your code will look like this:

k = 0 # counter for number of simulations
n = 3 # Grid size  
foundRoute = 0 # counter for number of cases where the final point is reached
gotStuck = 0 # counter for number of cases where no valid options found
while k < 100:
    i,j = (1,1) 
    coordList = [[i,j]]
    while True:
        #Everything else




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