Unable to resolve pending changes after renaming a folder

I renamed the folder correctly in Visual Studio (shown as a branch), but after merging with the parent branch, I now have numerous conflicts that I cannot resolve.

They appear in the Resolve Conflicts window with the description You have conflicting changes pending. against every conflict.

enter image description here

If I try to solve by taking server or local version, they disappear but reappear after a few seconds.

I tried tf undo * /recursive

from the parent folder but reports no pending changes to undo and I tried deleting the entire folder and "Get a specific version .." and forcibly overwriting but nothing could get rid of these conflicts.


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3 answers

I ended up deleting the workspace and getting the last code again before trying the merge again and everything worked fine. I am guessing that there is some corruption in the workspace.



This worked for me:
1. Exit Visual Studio
2. Open a command window and navigate to the folder: "% localappdata% \ Microsoft \ Team Foundation"

3. Navigate to the subfolders for each version and delete the subfolder cache and its contents
4. Restart Visual Studio and connect to TFS.
5. Cancel / get the latest version.



Try to undo any dependent changes first, repeat the steps you did in the merge. Don't try to undo all changes at once. There are likely dependent changes that need to be rolled back before you can roll back the one in question. for example, if you renamed / deleted files or a folder, then undoing the rename may result in a collision with some other folder or files, so unmerge those dependent files / buddies first, then try undoing the renamed / deleted ones. I found that if you try to rename, edit and merge in one go, it gets confusing and when you undo it, there will be conflicts, unless you undo the conflicting changes first.



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