Javascript Map of the United States with Geocoordinate Plots

I'm looking for an open source or low-cost option for a simple map of the United States to plot geotones on OR or fill states with the same colors as Google Analytics for traffic.

I don't want anything fancy, just a state map and the ability to darken regions, states or plot points on it for a location service I'm building.

Google Maps can display markers, but I want it to be silly simple and slightly less functional. Other popular mapping programs there are also too rich in functionality (Open Maps, MapQuest, etc.).

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2 answers

I think you are looking for something like this:

This is a Javascript map of the USA with inverted states. He uses Raphael's library. The Github code also includes links to the SVG map he used as input and a link to a tool to convert SVG to JS data suitable for Raphael's use.

the Raphael library itself has a similar demo on its own site for Australia.

I hope this helps.



Another option is a jQuery plugin called Geo . Not really sure how lightweight you want.

You can also look at their docs, , for examples of complexity.



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