Apple Game Center data does not match

I am successfully posting highscores to Apple Game Center, but when I view the Leaderboard UI in Game Center, the data is odd and not the same. I am testing 5 different game center accounts on 5 different devices, but the All xxx Players section on the leading board only shows two or three players per device instead of the expected 5. Other strange behavior:

  • I see myself and one friend in the Friends area, but just me and another person (not my friend) in the All 2 Players area. Why can't I see my friend?

  • On the other device, I correctly see myself and the other friend in the Friends area, but my friend has a different score (less) if it is listed in All 3 Players below.

I'm in a sandbox environment if it matters, but I don't want to wait until prod finds something wrong. If it's just stale data, is there any API call I have to make to update this data?

EDIT: The above was the behavior observed with Apple's reportScoreWithCompletionHandler () api.


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