How do I get the integer eigenvectors of a Numpy matrix?

I have a Numpy matrix for example numpy.matrix([[-1, 2],[1, -2]], dtype='int')

. I want to get integer -valued eigenvectors, if any; for example, numpy.array([[-1], [1]])

for the above matrix. What Numpy returns is a float eigenvector, scaled to one length.

This can be done in Sage, where you can specify the field (i.e., data type) of the matrix, and the operations performed on the matrix will match the specified field.

Any idea how to do this in Python? Thank you very much in advance.


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2 answers

I am personally happy with the following solution: I called sage

in Python and sage

figured out what I want. sage

being mathematically oriented, it is quite versatile in calculations involving fields other than real ones.

Below is my script

and installation is required sage

. Remember, this is a little slow.

import subprocess
import re
import numpy as np

# construct a numpy matrix
mat = np.matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]])
# convert the matrix into a string recognizable by sage
matstr = re.sub('\s|[a-z]|\(|\)', '', mat.__repr__())

# write a (sage) python script "";
# for more info of the sage commands: 
f = open('', 'w')
f.write('from sage.all import *\n\n')
f.write('A = matrix(ZZ, %s)\n\n' % matstr)
f.write('print A.kernel()')  # this returns the left nullspace vectors

# call sage and run
p = subprocess.Popen(['sage', '-python', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# process the output from sage
arrstrs = p.communicate()[0].split('\n')[2:-1]
arrs = [np.array(eval(re.sub('(?<=\d)\s*(?=\d|-)', ',', arrstr))) 
        for arrstr in arrstrs]
print arrs



In [1]: %run

[array([1, 1])]



You can do some cool things with dtype = object

and fractions.Fraction


>>> A = np.array([fractions.Fraction(1, j) for j in xrange(1, 13)]).reshape(3, 4)
>>> A
array([[1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4],
       [1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8],
       [1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12]], dtype=object)
>>> B = np.array([fractions.Fraction(1, j) for j in xrange(1, 13)]).reshape(4, 3)
>>> B
array([[1, 1/2, 1/3],
       [1/4, 1/5, 1/6],
       [1/7, 1/8, 1/9],
       [1/10, 1/11, 1/12]], dtype=object)
>>>, B)
array([[503/420, 877/1320, 205/432],
       [3229/11760, 751/4620, 1217/10080],
       [1091/6930, 1871/19800, 1681/23760]], dtype=object)


Unfortunately, the module np.linalg

converts everything to float

before doing anything, so you cannot expect to get solutions directly as whole or rational. But you can always do the following after your calculations:

def scale_to_int(x) :
    fracs = [fractions.Fraction(j) for j in x.ravel()]
    denominators = [j.denominator for j in fracs]
    lcm = reduce(lambda a, b: max(a, b) / fractions.gcd(a, b) * min(a, b),
    fracs = map(lambda x : lcm * x, fracs)
    gcd = reduce(lambda a, b: fractions.gcd(a, b), fracs)
    fracs = map(lambda x: x / gcd, fracs)
    return np.array(fracs).reshape(x.shape)


It will be slow and very sensitive to rounding errors:

>>> scale_to_int(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) # [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=object)
>>> scale_to_int(np.linspace(0, 1, 4)) # [0, 0.33333333, 0.66666667, 1]
array([0, 6004799503160661, 12009599006321322, 18014398509481984], dtype=object)


You can mitigate some of these using the method limit_denominator


, but probably not all will be reliable.



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