Maven Appassembler plugin - redirecting stdout and / or stderr

I am migrating one Java project to Maven and we are using the Appassembler maven plugin (version 1.3) to create a shell start script. My problem is how to redirect stdout and / or java program output? Appassembler pom.xml configuration




  -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \"app" \"$$" \
  -Dapp.repo="$REPO" \
  -Dbasedir="$BASEDIR" \ \
  arg1 arg2 "$@"


The placeholder ($ @) parameters are the last generated token at the beginning of the script.


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1 answer

Found a workaround for this issue. Fortunately, the placeholder parameter is on the same line as the command line arguments. So this pom.xml config:



will generate script:

.... \
"$@" >>out.log 2>&1 # "$@"


The hash is a comment in bash, so the last parameter placeholder will be ignored and this hack will do the redirection job.



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