Inheritance: STI? MTI? or a simple polymorphic association?

I am using an application to manage purchase orders. Each order has many processes (stages) including printing and bending. All processes have some common attributes such as quantity and comments, as well as some stage specific:

create_table :stages do |t|
  t.integer :number
  t.decimal :roll_width
  t.decimal :quantity
  t.string :comments
  t.boolean :finished


create_table :printing_stages do |t|
  t.integer :color
  t.decimal :technical_card


create_table :bending_stages do |t|
  t.decimal :flap_width
  t.boolean :seal_distance



I'm not sure what the propper approach should be followed here to be able to easily access their general + specific attributes.

If I am using STI I will have a HUGE sigle table as some stages have 10+ specific attributes.

If I use polymorphic associations like:

class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :stageable, :polymorphic => true

class SlittingStage ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :stage, :as => stageable

class PrintingStage ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :stage, :as => stageable


then I would have to access, for example, comments at the print stage such as printing_stage.stage.comments

which is IMHO quite cumbersome and not as elegant as it might be.

Finally, I'm not sure about the implications of using MTI.

Can you give me some advice?


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1 answer

This lady says it better than I can. if you jump for about 20 minutes, that's where your answer lies.

Make a mess of Sandi Metz



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