Sql get all children in table

I have a table called tblmodules that has 3 columns: moduleid, name, parent_id. The parent_id column takes on the values โ€‹โ€‹of other modules. eg:

Moduleid      Name       Parentid
--------     -----       --------
1           grandparent    Null
2            parent         1
3           child           2
4           childofChild    3


I want to build a stored procedure to get all children if I pass the stored procedure as a parameter to grandparent. for the above example, I don't want only (parent), but I want the child and the child to be children because they are under the grandfather. Any help pls?


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1 answer

You need a recursive CTE

@ModuleId INT
    WITH R
         AS (SELECT *
             FROM   YourTable
             WHERE  Moduleid = @ModuleId
             UNION ALL
             SELECT Y.*
             FROM   YourTable Y
                    JOIN R
                      ON R.Moduleid = Y.Parentid)
    SELECT *
    FROM   R 


SQL Fiddle



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