Does anyone know _UIApplicationDidRemoveDeactivationReasonNotification?

when _UIApplicationDidRemoveDeactivationReasonNotification is thrown (which is a private NSNotification for Apple) it contains the NSNumber in it userInfo, does anyone know what each number means?

_UIApplicationDeactivationReasonUserInfoKey key

all i know so far, the number 5 means the app was canceled for the InAppPurchase check (this is the OS message and makes your app inactive until the user clicks Cancel or Buy)


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1 answer

So I need it and I got multiple values ​​decoded.

I am looking at another similar notification _UIApplicationWillAddDeactivationReasonNotification

with the same value key_UIApplicationDeactivationReasonUserInfoKey

here they are (for ios6 / 7):

// notification/control center overlay
kDeactivationReasonControlOverlay = 1,
// double tapped for the task manager mode
kDeactivationReasonTaskManager = 2,
// app is going inactive, eg: locked, enter background, power off screen, phone call, voice control (not siri)
kDeactivationReasonLockScreen = 3,
// system alerts, eg: privacy permissions, IAP dialogs
kDeactivationReasonSystemAlert = 5,
// siri overlay
kDeactivationReasonSiriOverlay = 6,


However, I don't have a test case that I can reproduce 4. And I don't know if 0 or values ​​above 6 are valid values, if anyone knows please comment!



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